Monday, September 17, 2012

Waiting in Defiance

Waiting in Defiance

While you wait upon the words to soothe your impatient ears
Your downy alabaster arms deny the adoration of my hands.
While you refuse the clarion laughter - naked and without fears
Your silence muffles heavy chains dragging through the sands.

Is it for quiet that you seek or begging that your ego takes a turn
Or is hubris straining 'gainst the leather harness of your loss?
Could the plaintive reach of would be lovers on the Grecian urn
Be dressing on the garden statues as hallowed, hanging moss?

Herb Ratliff, September 17, 2012, All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, romantic verse. So typical of relationships when things should seemingly be easy, but two end up always out of step with one another.

