Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas from the Loge

Sit beside me for a moment,
Let me hold your hand,
take a breath,
close your eyes,
Smell the pine,
It's Christmastime.

The fire's blaze is softening now
the embers will take over
so while the warmth
caresses us
Let's caress each other.

The train set is another's job
that's not for us to do
we'll watch them play
and scurry fast
That's what is left to do.

I loved each toy I put together
I savored every moment
Well maybe not so much
right then, you know
But now ....

And don't you think I didn't know
how carefully you planned
each moment, every hour
And how your touch
your smile, your voice
Gave Christmas so much power.

Merry Christmas.

©Herb Ratliff, December 14, 2011, All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. What a tender memory and loving words. I like the thought of giving Christmas "power". A different idea from "magic".

