Friday, October 19, 2012

Hold, Protect, Release

Thought for the Day

Ideas haven't been flowing with their usual freedom this week. No reason comes to mind. Life, oceans and ideas ebb and flow it seems. It's part of the rhythm of living. The natural world has enjoyed a resurgence in science. A budding branch is called bio-mimicry.  It has a nice ring. The idea being, to go to nature and see how it solves problems then see about applying those ideas to problems of our own. Shark skin was one of the early successes. It seems bacteria will not grow on shark skin. We already knew it was pretty effective as a property with a low coefficient of friction. That's where those body length swimming suits the Olympians use came from.

But one that I like is the rose. When you look at a rose, especially a newly opened bud, the thing I notice is the way each petal embraces those that are yet to come and then easily releases them as they are ready to emerge. It's a bit like being a parent. Your job is to hold and protect until it is time to move away and release your hold that they may bloom.

Just seemed like another lesson from the world we live in.

Herb Ratliff, October 19, 2012, All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Ah, beautifully put....and not just our children, but sometimes our friends and lovers.

