Monday, December 5, 2011

River Magic

River Magic

You'll find me sitting by the water,
staring in it or around
watching all that starts
or ends there,
with or without any sound.

In the Spring it's mayfly hatches,
rising off the placid surface
while the trout's now lurking shadow
waits to dine, his only purpose.

Then the summer's rich delivery
when fish and insects do abound
I'll seek the shadows haunts to sleep in
hearing only water's sound.

Fall begets the tiny midges,
dragon flies and water sprites
then I fear that winter's coming
shorter days and longer nights.

Bundled up in downy vestments,
mesmerized by bluest skies
I think of all the trout engagements
ending in a sweet good bye.

©Herb Ratliff, December 5, 2011, All Rights Reserved.

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