Friday, December 2, 2011

Exploring Outside the Box

Exploring Outside the Box

Do you ever wonder about sleep, how it works, why you can, why you can’t, what dreams mean, why it’s so easy to remember some and not others? What the heck is going on in there?
I usually sleep pretty well. Lately, it hasn't been so good. There is no particular reason I can think of that would stand as a reason for a change in my sleep pattern but, there is a change. I don’t like it but I’m like you in that respect. I don’t like change much either. There is a rather satisfying thing that happens as the result of awaking earlier than usual. I get to do some things that I normally wouldn't  I spend time talking to friends on Facebook. I listen to a Ted Talk. I write extra things. I get to see a part of the day that is a mystery to most other people. Today I experienced some music that I probably wouldn't have listened to on most days. I’m not all that fussy about music but I am a little parochial in my listening habits. So today I listened to Lady Gaga and Sugarland sing together. I know almost nothing about either of them but I was an instant convert when I listened to the song they sang together at the Grammy Nominations last night. I do love kick-butt, get up and get after it music. Yep, even at four AM. I know that’s a stretch but hey, we all have some unusual habits.
I must tell you that it is that kind of combination that makes you want to be very careful about prejudging what is enjoyable by categorizing everything into tight little bunches. The performance was so spontaneous, energetic and impassioned that I simply got caught up in the energy field. I must have listened to it four or five times. I was ready to go to a concert. (By now it was five and energy was coursing through me with a vengeance.) I hope you’ll take a look at it:
Anyhow, that’s where the muse sent me this morning. Try something different today. You never know where some secret pleasure lies that you could find with just a little exploration out of the usual haunts.


  1. I think, especially as we get older, we should change up our patterns. Learn something new. Fortunately in this high tech rapidly changing world there is a lot to try.

    I frankly like the wee hours of the morning. Nobody calls. First call is my sister driving home from night shift of at the hospital. And it is from her I have picked up some of my younger taste in music. Ergo the new stereo in the old car with the usb port for downloading music. Which gave rise to learning what MP3 and ripping was all about.

    Stay young. BTW we sleep less we grow older, Herb.

  2. You do write things that seem so relevant to my life, Herb. The sleep thing is something I've been dealing with for several years now. I can't even remember what it felt like to want to sleep late in the morning. I wake up several times a night. And if I awaken at 4, then it's time to get up and make coffee. I like those early dark hours. Sometimes it's about music - I'll sit and play the piano in the dark (pieces I can remember), but it's also about just looking out at the lights in the valley and just feeling pleasure and gratitude. I finally stopped worrying about not getting enough sleep. Either it happens or it doesn't.

  3. Absolutely , hawk. Such outrageous passion it almost brings back a sense of being young. New stuff from the muse might just tempt the chance " to sleep, perchance to dream"
    Gratitude is indeed such a noble priviledge.

