Friday, October 12, 2012

Let's Chase the Moon

Thought for the Day

Let's chase the moon,

it's not moving fast.

We are.

It will be gone

before we can touch it.

We can never touch the moon.

We can touch each other, 


Herb Ratliff, October 12, 2012, All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Ah, just lovely. One of the things I like about your poems, Herb, are your choices of words that, in this case at least, can have more than one meaning. For example, "touch," which very literally means a physical connection, but can also have a more esoteric or symbolic meaning like influence or reaching emotionally.

    I can never catch the moon literally. And I can't really influence what happens with the moon (the far reaches of my world), even though I vote, and separate the recycling from the trash, and donate to charity--I feel my efforts make almost no difference really. But I can read to my grandchild, and visit an aging friend, and show kindness to my waitress, etc. So I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't worry too much about the moon and reach out more the world closer at hand.

    Perhaps any symbolic meaning is inadvertent on your part, but there it is.

    But I do love the beautiful literal interpretation of this poem. And if that was all you intended, you did it very nicely, indeed.

