Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Thought for the Day

I think we are a lot less likely to give power to people, institutions and cultures than we once were but, we still do that. Some people, institutions and and cultures demand that we give them power and we do it reluctantly, but we do it. Once we give the power away we have less than those we give it to and they respond by demanding things from us. So we give more to them: money, time, respect, and behavior. Then, we complain and plot against them.
The reason most of that happens is because we accept treatment from them as individual treatment. So how could an individual argue with , say, Bank of America? If we could find a bunch of people to agree with us, then we could negotiate with them but that really never seems likely so we muddle along and accept the treatment.
Yes, I'm thinking about our government. Are these bozos for real? How did we fall asleep at the wheel so completely? The power really is ours to use or to give away.

Herb Ratliff, November 3, 2011, All Rights Reserved

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