Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Thought for the Day

   When I was a kid our culture, my personal economic circumstances and priorities joined together to provide me with a moderate supply of stuff. Stuff would include clothing, toys, reading material, in house resource material and varietal foods. None of those limitations negatively affected my personal well being. That is not to say that it did not affect my sense of well being. Over the years I have compensated for those limitations by adding to my personal supply of stuff. In times of severe change I have re-evaluated and rid myself of extraneous stuff. What is extra and what is necessary varies directly proportionally with disposable resources, cash. Think about your preparation for going to college. When I left home everything I took to school fit in a Buick shared with another student and the owner of the vehicle's stuff. Excess is written all over us. I have important things I don't even remember stored in boxes that take up space I need for other stuff. It could be time for a garage sale.

Herb Ratliff, November 1, 2011, All Rights Reserved

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