Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Prosperity or More of the Same?

It’s an interesting day today, Election Day. On a broad spectrum it is a privilege and an honor to be able to be a part of the electorate which selects the president of the United States.

We are not a happy citizenry. We have eliminated would be volunteers for the job down to two men. The incumbent, Barack Obama who has primarily been the benefactor of America’s Liberal sector who wants a pal in the White House who shows well at a rally, speaks well to a crowd and blames the state of the nation on people and circumstances that are out of his control. Therefore, he has no responsibility for our outlandish national debt, absurd unemployment rate, increased cost of living and diminishing personal income to name but a few of the miserable conditions in the land of the free.

The other choice is man who donated his family inheritance to build a building at a university, earned his personal wealth through hard work and good management skills. He is an exemplary father, husband, community leader, citizen and statesman. His strength is in his ability to take responsibility for that which he manages and work with those who agree and disagree with him until the best results benefit the most. He knows how to make capitalism work and how to make a profit. We could use that in our country right now because the only people benefiting from our efforts live somewhere else.

So vote today for whomever you feel will lead this country into a position of strength, responsibility and examples that we can be proud to call our own.

But let’s stop pointing fingers and calling names. We are better than that. What we urgently need is a common cause, a common pride, and a common hope that we can be better for ourselves, our children and our world.

Herb Ratliff, November 4, 2012, All Rights Reserved

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