Thought For The Day
Courage is one of those word thoughts that comes ready made with a kind of picture that defines it. For me it is either a soldier in battle or an individual being confronted by a fierce animal that threatens life and limb. Sometimes it can be facing fear thoughts like walking across a handmade primitive bridge that crosses a deep chasm in a jungle setting. Those situations do call for a kind of courage to be sure but it is pictures like that which suggest that courage is in large measure a physical thing, grinning in the face of danger, as it were. And, that is true. Courage has a side to it which calls for confrontation, bowing up the chest and arms and going forward against seemingly insurmountable odds but courage has a softer side as well. Softer in the sense of quiet, determined, persistent assault against an insidious adversary that means to beat you down with a cruelty far beyond death and test your resolve to rise above it with endless love and energy.
There are many such challenges that we see every day. There are people who have worked their entire life in the service of others who have suffered economic or physical injury that limits their ability to live but continue to give to others freely and with love. There are parents who have to deal with physical, emotional and spiritual injury to their children but do so with a positive belief that there is hope and value and freedom in their future.
Courage is not a quality which arises in a moment of crisis and then leaves or goes to sleep. Courage is not a quality found only in the physically strong. Courage is a belief that in your hands lies the only chance for something to happen that will protect, defend and enlighten an otherwise hopeless situation and an acceptance on your part to do whatever it takes to succeed in that objective.
When you have it, be thankful. When you see it be grateful. When you need to, you will do it.
Herb Ratliff, April 4, 2012, All Rights Reserved
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