Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It's In The Attitude

Thought For The Day

I'm not big on missionary work. I believe that conviction in a set of principles is best espoused by demonstrating them in your living practices, in other words creating interest and followers based on attraction, not promotion. So the best way to instill good manners in your children is to demonstrate good manners in your daily living. And, while I believe that, it doesn't hurt to have those principles supported by your culture's infrastructure. But, what is supported in this country's lifestyle infrastructure is not good manners, it is the absence of any manners at all.
I've already ranted about "bearing to the right" when you walk in public places so I won't go there again. Driving still requires that behavior, so that is a moot point. Language is one of the last crumbling structures of our culture and it has been in decline for quite a while. 
When we are feeling academic we refer to change in language as a dynamic, growing condition of healthy communication. That's a lovely idea but in truth what has happened to our language in many cases is the result of Sponge Bob and bad manners. It feeds the growing lack of respect we have for each other and ourselves.
This is all magnified by where we spend our time. Since I am single and live alone, I watch way too much television and TV is the bully pulpit for horrible communication practices. I really like college basketball, so I am in heaven now. It's March Madness, a month of lots of good basketball competition and wretched communication practices. One sees a dichotomy of excellence's on the screen: grace, skill, creativity, persistence and superhuman stretches of athleticism matched against language and communication abuses that send English Teachers into Monastic cells to hide. Do people really understand each other at all. When I see and hear college athletes in interviews it just makes me cringe.
And to add insult to injury these young men are headed for the NBA, sometimes after only one year of college where they will receive ridiculous amounts of money that they are incapable of handling with any intelligence. How did the people who manage the NCAA get to this point of view? Follow the money.

Anyway, here's the point. As usual, we are right where we are supposed to be. We didn't get here by mistake, it's the natural result of living with a love of self satisfaction over a life dedicated to the greater good. What does that mean? You tell me.

Herb Ratliff, March 13, 2011, All Rights Reserved

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