Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I Wonder

Thought For The Day

I wonder if death is like a cool drink

on a cruel, hot, humid day in August

or the last bite of a bowl of ice cream.

Could it be complete indifference  or

complete happiness, ultimate satisfaction.

Do you think there's fear or resignation?

Could it be the greatest pleasure, saved for last

knowing you would be unhappy living 

while knowing it was waiting?

I don't mind waiting 

but I was thinking....

©Herb Ratliff, July 31, 2012, All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. This is a topic I have frequently entertained, though others often consider it too morbid and don't like to hear my thoughts.

    I like your metaphors because they imply something better beyond. I have less faith than you. I've long said this life is the only one we know for sure, and we need to make sure we waste none of it -- just in case there isn't one after this. And if there is, well, we can all be pleasantly surprised.

    Here's a metaphor that occurred to me while reading your poem: The film breaks at at very interesting point in a movie and we don't get to see the ending.

